Thursday, 27 August 2015

True Love, How to Obtain It

Have you been looking for love in all the wrong places and in many faces; find only pain and despair?

Then it's time to discover the truth about his search for true love.

You should not engage an endless search for Mr. or Ms. Right, or settle or compromise any ladies and gentlemen now. If you are still looking for Mr. or Ms. Right, you will inevitably try to others who can never be really happy go lost.

If you in trying to engage the insatiable you nothing more than to give them the power to do control your life meet. Of course, the performance is subtle Redeemer of all his good deeds, and you can easily play all day about the game. It's much more important to know from where your love really exists, which is drained of energy to give and continue to feel betrayed and eventually give up, always give to someone who is not permitted again and has to you.

Rather than survive in the absence of love, when you are alone, turn your precious love and care for the person you are most worthy! So you can very aware of any inner healing needed to take place within you that you invest so much of themselves, caused regardless.

True love is the use of memory and a moment of self-esteem and expression. That honors the value you, your divine glory.

You want to look at to make sure that you have something in you that what to win, these external relations, which are less honorable, respectful and loving is to remove. His recovery can happen quickly; as if one is in the attention to the true self-love, open your heart and is ready.

To accept the difficulty for most and for your own true love is living on painful experiences of the past and last this life. These experiences are at the cellular level in which you encrypted. Are you afraid, completely open to their freedom of expression itself at all levels, not only because the old painful experiences, but in the real level of causality, from when you decided to lower your vibration in the matter digress, the human form when I subscribed to mistakenly believe that you are unworthy of true love.

If you play, she handed a veil of forgetfulness. They are not aware of this veil, and feel this way, a separation from his source, God / Goddess.

In human form, you have an ego, or lower mental. This lower mental lacks the ability to understand how the mind is universal. The lower mind is trying to calculate and can not see than just calling the feelings of love.

The mind less than try to understand the sense of separation, the reasons why you have done something wrong, and his departure is not perceived a direct punishment for your crime properly. The ego does not remember the fact that you chose your soul to live simply the incarnation, so that love really is.

Thus calculated, if you do wrong, you should be punished for his crime are kind. They are involved in a lifetime experience after another punishing yourself, life and leisure guests to one way or another, by no more than choose on Earth.

Accumulate and composed These self-abuse experiences is, as you move into this delusion nothing else to do evil continue punished. What you are really doing is unconsciously an opportunity after another to create are to see in the situation, the supreme truth of being your own true love. Unfortunately, you and many have been arrested in this unhealthy behavior for age,

The self-punishment has a silver lining, following his many painful experiences, you can use the greatest truth that the States that have not done anything wrong to realize is the truth that you do not wrong, because you are, and have always love. Love that creates a lot of experience to recognize that it embodies love.

It is now, as the Golden Age of heaven on earth, where everything will come to realize the truth of true love you.

You should not wait for someone else to change their false beliefs in the divine wisdom, yet you no longer they must fear. For those who are not yet ready to awaken fully to the truth be once you choose the love not in a position to near where you get. When you are connected your true love, you will not find these souls, like you in the past; Who live at a lower vibration choose and be evil in the treatment of other stuck, because they do not have the first value.

You must not be afraid to be vulnerable and with an open heart, like those who have not learned to love yourself just is not going to cross your path, be. The energy of true love is much more common and no vibration of fear in a position where anyone to get close to you. Love can not cope with the anxiety and be the player who is stuck in fear, for various reasons, they continue to make the necessary sub Loving experiences, so that they come to the realization even remember that love never fails and do not need to steal from each other.

If you think wrongly love is lacking, beside himself looking another person, place or thing that will satisfy and fulfill the sense of lack. They continue the others to follow one after the other in search of the love that you are not ready to give up. Sometimes you can play the role of victim, and never give it, or you can the perpetrators of the opposition newspaper where you have to consistently take without taking ever satisfied.

If you want to play the victim give you one and / or all claims to feel their property and to feel the design of the blame for their illnesses. If you are the aggressor just blame everyone for everything, so that only one license for its appalling treatment of others.

The ego is insatiable because it thrives on the sense of lack; Lack is what fuels your fire and in this way can the power of the ego in his relentless pursuit of the other, to give the same love that you meet already.

Until you are ready, as they always have been able to stay, and to dominate the ego and realize control over you and your life by that you are for all the decisions you have made, responsible; You never know and live in happiness of true love.

It's not exist outside of you. What does better known as the partner of conscious life or Twin Flame known outside of you is. Even if you never enjoy the benefits of all these database until you know is in its fullness.As you might expect of an individual, while the will to live and to be next to someone who thinks they are half a man, or less. It simply can not happen, because the vibration speeds are completely different.

Each vibrates at a frequency of the plethora of self-love and therefore have nothing. This person does not need anyone, even if they can choose to share your life with another. Demi individual realizes that she is missing and therefore still missing. Demi person lives in fear and all the inhabitants in love, as stated above, just do not find love and fear is another.

Do you have the kind of relationship in which two people experienced with low vibration of fear to stay together. These two halves are like trying to do it together. They can be very attracted First, since both mean the same thing, someone looking for the doing them together. After all, they are struggling unconsciously control of the whole. Many times, each half switching functions flipping back and forth, a powerful control for submission.

If you believe, wrongly, that you are missing something, and then when trying to engage to achieve yourself, you are surrounded by many who do not seem to experience to give you the time of day. They reject his mind, as if it were useless and they do not love who you want to give or have given them to return.

Everyone who will not be satisfied without the other half takes a lower vibration and can true love does not recognize their false beliefs that they true love waits less, less loving, less friendly and less heal believes than loved.

Opposing energies can not meet and stay together for a long time, unless one or two changes at the same frequency vibrating rate. The person ever to find the higher vibrational weak individual vibration if they are not involved in their lives, to heal. In such the ratio is only temporary, unless the person of the lower oscillation frequency increases to be love and / or vibrant person to fear reduces higher frequency.

They do not realize and walk side by side with the spouse or twin flame and / or colleagues, until you all alone. All who come your way always a reflection of themselves. They are messengers, you radiate back, you are at any given time. They are always of those who represent who you are, who you were being surrounded in the recent past, and you will in the near future, as you wake up to the true love for you.

To reflect Understanding mirror those around back to you for your highest good and immediate benefits allows you to separate is another aspect of the lower mental mind as judgment known. If you are harassed by someone, and see what's inside of you that is so boring, because you have not prepared for that individual or see behavior is what you are doing yourself, something that in the past has done, or something that you are afraid to do so in the future.


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