Friday, 28 April 2017

Fashionable Hairstyles

After all, it's not a matter of words or even the number of women he slept with. It's different. Stereotypes. We have been imposing from an early age that a man should be strong and principled. But. These simple things make us complicated. Wrong interpretation. Now it's important to hit your woman, offend and show how you do not care about her, but it's not strength.

This, rather, lack of will. The same as principles. To be principled does not mean to remain silent for weeks and wait for it to make a step forward, and then still time to hide an insult. It's femininity. While fundamentally - never be late, keep your word and be, and not seem.

Male power - is to close her faithful shoulder with her fragile embrace. Not a word, but an act to prove how you need it. Be her smile. And never become the cause of her tears. Male character - it's not to punch the table and shout - I said so! On the contrary. Calmly explain and listen with understanding. Do not take offense, but do not give insult. Be reliable and forgive, but do not allow it to be used. To take lessons from life and teach it to others.

The beauty of a guy is beautiful sneakers, a fashionable hairstyle. The beauty of a man is a straight and even posture. Do you feel the difference?

A guy becomes a man - when he ceases to be a child. And she is looking for herself not a mommy or another girl, but a woman. One for life. When he ceases to be an egoist and is ready to make concessions. When he understands that fashion is to be himself. Be confident, calm. With a short tongue and long arms. Always hold back the word. Well, and of course, even posture ...

All scissors are needed, all scissors are important

Regular scissors, of course, are not suitable for hairdressing. Special needs are needed here. As a rule, scissors for hairdressers are of three types: classic (or straight), with convection sharpening for thinning. They differ in the shape of the cutting blade. Let's see what each of them is suitable for.

 Classical scissors are classic and that never go out of fashion and everyday life. They are widely used today, despite the fact that this type of scissors was used in the first haircut.

 Main characteristics. The grip angle is 55 degrees. The error of different models is 5 degrees. Scissors consist of two straight sheets. Classic scissors are universal. Their only drawback is that they can not make a "sliding cut".

 Scissors with convection sharpening allow the master to perform even more tasks than classic ones. They are suitable for both men's haircuts, and for avant-grade hairstyles.

 Main characteristics. The value of the angle of sharpening is 40 degrees. But it is impermanent. The farther from the cutting edge, the more it is. Scissors consist of one straight line and one radial plane. The drawback of these scissors is that they can not cope with a newbie. The complex surface of the instrument requires special care. Namely - sharpening on certain equipment, and on the entire radial surface.

 Filtering scissors differ from others in that they cut their hair partially. With their help you can make smooth transitions.

 Main characteristics. The value of the angle of sharpening is about 70 degrees. The main difference between thinning shears in the presence of denticles on one or two canvases.  


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